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The package is registered in the General registry and so can be installed at the REPL with ] add StringDistances.

Supported Distances

Distances are defined for AbstractStrings, and any iterator that define length() (e.g. graphemes, AbstractVector...)

The available distances are:

  • Edit Distances
  • Q-gram distances compare the set of all substrings of length q in each string.
  • Distance "modifiers" that can be applied to any distance:
    • Partial returns the minimum distance between the shorter string and substrings of the longer string.
    • TokenSort adjusts for differences in word orders by reording words alphabetically.
    • TokenSet adjusts for differences in word orders and word numbers by comparing the intersection of two strings with each string.
    • TokenMax combines the normalized distance, the Partial, TokenSort and TokenSet modifiers, with penalty terms depending on string lengths. This is a good distance to match strings composed of multiple words, like addresses. TokenMax(Levenshtein()) corresponds to the distance defined in fuzzywuzzy
    • Winkler diminishes the normalized distance of strings with common prefixes. The Winkler adjustment was originally defined for the Jaro similarity score but it can be defined for any string distance.

Basic Use


You can always compute a certain distance between two strings using the following syntax:

evaluate(dist, s1, s2)
dist(s1, s2)

For instance, with the Levenshtein distance,

evaluate(Levenshtein(), "martha", "marhta")
Levenshtein()("martha", "marhta")


The function compare is defined as 1 minus the normalized distance between two strings. It always returns a Float64 between 0 and 1: a value of 0 means completely different and a value of 1 means completely similar.

evaluate(Levenshtein(),  "martha", "martha")
#> 0
compare("martha", "martha", Levenshtein())
#> 1.0


  • findmax returns the value and index of the element in itr with the highest similarity score with s. Its syntax is:

    findmax(s, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.0)
  • findall returns the indices of all elements in itr with a similarity score with s higher than a minimum value (default to 0.8). Its syntax is:

    findall(s, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.8)

The functions findmax and findall are particularly optimized for Levenshtein and DamerauLevenshtein distances (as well as their modifications via Partial, TokenSort, TokenSet, or TokenMax).
