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Getting started

The best way to get started using Weave.jl is to look at the example input and output documents. Examples for different formats are included in the package's examples directory.

First have a look at source document using markdown code chunks and Plots.jl for figures:

All the different format documents below are generated from a single Weave document FIR_design.jmd:

!!! note Producing PDF output requires that you have XeLateX installed.

Add dependencies for the example if needed:

using Pkg; Pkg.add.(["Plots", "DSP"])

Weave the files to your working directory:

using Weave

filename = normpath(Weave.EXAMPLE_FOLDER, "FIR_design.jmd")

# Julia markdown to HTML
weave(filename; doctype = "md2html", out_path = :pwd)

# Julia markdown to PDF
weave(filename; doctype = "md2pdf", out_path = :pwd)

# Julia markdown to Pandoc markdown
weave(filename; doctype = "pandoc", out_path = :pwd)

!!! tips Weave.EXAMPLE_FOLDER points to the examples directory.