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Working with Jupyter notebooks

Weaving from Jupyter notebooks

Weave supports using Jupyter notebooks as input format, this means you can weave notebooks to any supported formats. You can't use chunk options with notebooks.


Output to Jupyter notebooks

As of Weave 0.5.1. there is new notebook method to convert Weave documents to Jupyter notebooks using nbconvert. The code is not executed by Weave and the output doesn't always work properly, see #116.

notebook(source::String, out_path=:pwd)

You might want to use the convert_doc method below instead and run the code in Jupyter.

You can select the jupyter used to execute the notebook with the jupyter_path argument (this defaults to the string "jupyter," i.e., whatever you have linked to that location.)

Converting between formats

You can convert between all supported input formats using the convert_doc function.

To convert from script to notebook:

convert_doc("examples/FIR_design.jl", "FIR_design.ipynb")

and from notebooks to markdown use:

convert_doc("FIR_design.ipynb", "FIR_design.jmd")
convert_doc(infile::String, outfile::String)