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#+TITLE: .dotfiles
* Overview
I use of Emacs for almost everything, including my window manager ([[][EXWM]]), except
for the [[][Next]] web browser. See my [[][Emacs pro-tips]].
As such, the more-or-less advanced configurations of my former favourite Unix
programs are gone (Awesome, cmus, fish, fzf, Mutt, newsbeuter, ranger, urxvt,
zathura, zsh). You can search for them before the git commit =README: The Big
Emacs Shift=.
* Setup
For the list of programs I currently use, see the =.package-lists/= folder.
The =homeinit= script fully bootstraps a user profile with required files,
folders, symlinks applications.
The =homeclean= script removes trash files, caches and warns if critically
private data is found (e.g. PGP keys).
The =homesync= script updates the package lists, prints the status of all known
projects and optionally pushes the unmerged changes upstream.
As for managing a dotfiles repository, there are various approaches.
** Direct versioning
Git makes it possible to use your home folder as a git repository, thus
versioning all files directly.
$ cd
$ git init
$ git remote add origin <repo>
$ git fetch
$ git checkout master
** GNU Stow
[[][GNU Stow]] lets you symlink a project's files to an arbitrary folder.
The simplest setup would be to clone the dotfiles to, say, =~/dotfiles= then run
$ cd ~/dotfiles
$ stow .
This has several advantages over direct versioning:
- Subfolders in home are not subject to being included into the dotfiles git
repository. This is especially relevant for projects under a version control
system other than git.
- No need for a =.gitignore=.
- Simplified file control (add/remove/etc.).
- You can fine-tune which program configuration to synchronize on a per-system
- You can manage several configurations for the same programs.