Added dependencies and customization explanation

This addresses issue #3, in which the issue reporter asked for a more
detailed list of dependencies. It may also be useful to add some link
to the respective documentation for the largest TeX distributions but
I feel that this would make the README too bloated.
Bastian Rieck 2018-02-22 08:30:04 +01:00
parent c852b8a184
commit a4b4486055
1 changed files with 56 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -56,6 +56,62 @@ distribution might already have this command. If so, you can use
in the main directory of this repository in order to build the example in the main directory of this repository in order to build the example
file. file.
## Required packages for the class
The template uses various LaTeX packages that you should install using
your favourite LaTeX distribution. Some distributions already do this
automatically when you compile the document for the first time. Others
require manual updates. Please refer to the documentation of your LaTeX
distribution for more details.
Here is a list of packages that you need (I am using the package
name as specified on CTAN):
- [`amsmath`](
- [`amsthm`](
- [`booktabs`](
- [`csquotes`](
- [`dsfont`](
- [`glossaries`](
- [`graphicx`](
- [`fontspec`]( (only for LuaTeX and XeTeX users)
- [`ifluatex`](
- [`ifpdf`](
- [`ifxetex`](
- [`inputenc`]( (only for pdfTeX users)
- [`koma-script`](
- [`makeidx`](
- [`paralist`](
- [`setspace`](
- [`siunitx`](
- [`subcaption`](
- [`xcolor`](
- [`xspace`](
## Required packages for the example document
Typesetting the example document requires an additional set of packages.
Feel free to remove them, though—they are only used for showcasing
how a real document might look like.
- [`biblatex`](
- [`bookmark`](
- [`etoolbox`](
- [`hyperref`](
- [`metalogo`](
For pdfTeX users:
- [`ebgaramond`](
- [`sourcecodepro`](
For LuaTeX or XeTeX users:
- The Minion Pro font; please use your favourite search engine for this
or change the line `\setmainfont{Minion Pro}` in the preamble to
another font (or leave it out entirely)
# Contributing # Contributing
If you require additional features, find some bugs, or just have some If you require additional features, find some bugs, or just have some