Rescale album art to improve speed

Nicolò Balzarotti 2019-05-27 10:09:06 +02:00
parent 7a73457e53
commit 719c3056e5
6 changed files with 183 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ function getArtist(id::String)
# Create the response # Create the response
(xdoc, xroot) = subsonic() (xdoc, xroot) = subsonic()
artistXML = push!(xroot, artist) artistXML = push!(xroot, artist)
for album in Beets.album(artist) for album in sort(Beets.album(artist))
push!(artistXML, album) push!(artistXML, album)
end end
return subsonic_return(xdoc) return subsonic_return(xdoc)
@ -307,15 +307,18 @@ function makequery(q::String)
return Regex(nq) return Regex(nq)
end end
function search3(req; dl = println) function search3(req; dlalbum = println, dlall = println)
query = HTTP.URIs.queryparams(req[:query]) query = HTTP.URIs.queryparams(req[:query])
q = get(query, "query", "") q = get(query, "query", "")
isempty(q) && return missing_parameter("query") isempty(q) && return missing_parameter("query")
if req[:user][:user].upload && length(q) > 2 && q[end-1:end] == "!t" if req[:login][:user].upload && length(q) > 2 && q[end-1:end] == "!a"
@info "This is the special torrent mode!" @info "Downloading single album"
list = dl(string(strip(q[1:end-2]))) dlalbum(string(strip(q[1:end-2])))
list == nothing && return @subsonic(nothing) return @subsonic(nothing)
elseif req[:login][:user].upload && length(q) > 2 && q[end-1:end] == "!d"
@info "Downloading discography!"
return @subsonic(nothing)
(xdoc, xroot) = subsonic() (xdoc, xroot) = subsonic()
results = new_child(xroot, "searchResult3") results = new_child(xroot, "searchResult3")
# TODO: Push the results so that we can see what download just started # TODO: Push the results so that we can see what download just started
@ -501,27 +504,67 @@ function getUser(req)
return subsonic_return(xroot) return subsonic_return(xroot)
end end
const cover_cache = Dict{String, Vector{UInt8}}()
const song_cache = Dict{Tuple{String,Int,String}, Vector{UInt8}}()
# Media retriveal # Media retriveal
"Returns a cover art image." "Returns a cover art image."
function getCoverArt(req::Dict) function getCoverArt(req::Dict)
global cover_cache
query = HTTP.URIs.queryparams(req[:query]) query = HTTP.URIs.queryparams(req[:query])
id = get(query, "id", "") id = get(query, "id", "")
isempty(id) && return missing_parameter("id") isempty(id) && return missing_parameter("id")
n = findfirst(a -> a.uuid == id, Beets.albums) n = findfirst(a -> a.uuid == id, Beets.albums)
n === nothing && return not_found("id")
(n === nothing || isempty(Beets.albums[n].cover)) && return not_found("id")
if Beets.albums[n].cover in keys(cover_cache)
data = cover_cache[Beets.albums[n].cover]
io = IOBuffer()
p = run(pipeline(`convert $(Beets.albums[n].cover) -resize 200x200 png:-`,
stderr=devnull, stdout=io), wait = true)
data = take!(io)
cover_cache[Beets.albums[n].cover] = data
headers = Dict{String,String}() headers = Dict{String,String}()
return sendfile(Beets.albums[n].cover) headers = Dict{String,String}()
suffix = "png"
mime = suffix in keys(Mux.mimetypes) ? Mux.mimetypes[suffix] : "application/octet-stream"
headers["Content-Type"] = mime
headers["Content-Length"] = string(length(data))
return Dict(:body => data,
:headers => headers,
:file => join([split(basename(Beets.albums[n].cover), '.')[1:end-1], ".png"],""))
end end
function giveconverted(file, bitrate, format) function giveconverted(file, bitrate, format)
iodata = convert(file, bitrate = bitrate, format = format) global song_cache
k = (file, bitrate, format)
if k in keys(song_cache)
@info "Using cached"
data = song_cache[k]
@info "Adding song to cache"
iodata = convert(file, bitrate = bitrate, format = format)
data = take!(iodata)
song_cache[k] = data
catch e
@warn e
headers = Dict{String,String}() headers = Dict{String,String}()
suffix = format suffix = format
mime = suffix in keys(Mux.mimetypes) ? Mux.mimetypes[suffix] : mime = suffix in keys(Mux.mimetypes) ? Mux.mimetypes[suffix] :
"application/octet-stream" "application/octet-stream"
headers["Content-Type"] = mime headers["Content-Type"] = mime
data = take!(iodata)
headers["Content-Length"] = string(length(data)) headers["Content-Length"] = string(length(data))
# headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked"
return Dict(:body => data, return Dict(:body => data,
:headers => headers, :headers => headers,
:file => join([split(basename(file), '.')[1:end-1], :file => join([split(basename(file), '.')[1:end-1],
@ -532,13 +575,15 @@ function convert(infile; bitrate = 64, format = "oga")
global ffmpeg_threads global ffmpeg_threads
io = IOBuffer() io = IOBuffer()
p = run(pipeline(`ffmpeg -i $infile -y -c:a libvorbis -b:a $(bitrate)k -threads $(ffmpeg_threads) -f $format pipe:1`, p = run(pipeline(`ffmpeg -i $infile -y -c:a libvorbis -b:a $(bitrate)k -threads $(ffmpeg_threads) -f $format pipe:1`,
stderr=devnull, stdout=io), wait = true) stderr=devnull, stdout=io), wait = true)
io io
end end
canstream(u::User) = canstream(u::User) =
"Streams a given media file." "Streams a given media file."
function stream(req::Dict) function stream(req::Dict)
@show req
query = HTTP.URIs.queryparams(req[:query]) query = HTTP.URIs.queryparams(req[:query])
canstream(req[:login][:user]) || return unuthorized() canstream(req[:login][:user]) || return unuthorized()

View File

@ -32,7 +32,13 @@ function append!(root::XMLElement, p::Playlist)
for song in p.songs for song in p.songs
entry = new_child(playlistXML, "entry") entry = new_child(playlistXML, "entry")
set_attributes(entry, props(song)) set_attributes(entry, props(song))
set_attribute(entry, "artist", Beets.artist(song).name) try
artist = Beets.artist(song)
n = artist == nothing ? : ""
set_attribute(entry, "artist", "")
catch e
@warn e
end end
playlistXML playlistXML
end end
@ -56,6 +62,7 @@ end
import Base.sort import Base.sort
sort(ss::Vector{Beets.Song}) = sort(ss, by = x -> x.track) sort(ss::Vector{Beets.Song}) = sort(ss, by = x -> x.track)
sort(a::Vector{Beets.Album}) = sort(a, by = a -> a.year)
function append!(root::XMLElement, a::Beets.Album) function append!(root::XMLElement, a::Beets.Album)
albumXML = push!(root, a) albumXML = push!(root, a)

consistency.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
using DataFrames
import FileIO
"Check that all songs have the correct format"
function format_check(s::Vector{Beets.Song}; format = "FLAC")
wrong = filter(s -> s.format != format, s)
paths = [x.path for x in wrong] .|> dirname |> unique
(success = length(wrong) == 0, howmany = length(wrong), broken = wrong, paths = paths)
"Check that all songs exists"
function existing_check(s::Vector{Beets.Song})
paths = getfield.(s, :path)
ok = isfile.(paths)
(success = all(ok), howmany = count(.!ok), broken = s[.!ok], paths = paths[.!ok])
"Check that all songs are under the right path"
function path_check(s::Vector{Beets.Song}; path = "/mnt/music/")
paths = getfield.(s, :path)
ok = startswith.(paths, path)
(success = all(ok), howmany = count(.!ok), broken = s[.!ok], paths = paths[.!ok])
brokenartists(r) = map(x -> Beets.artist(x) , r.broken) |> unique
brokenalbums(r) = map(x -> Beets.album(x) , r.broken) |> unique
l() = map(a -> (artist =, title = a.title), brokenalbums(format_check(Beets.songs())))
m() = map(a -> (artist =, title = a.title), brokenalbums(existing_check(Beets.songs())))
n() = map(a -> (artist =, title = a.title), brokenalbums(path_check(Beets.songs())))
l() |> DataFrame |> d ->"format.csv", d)
m() |> DataFrame |> d ->"missing.csv", d)
n() |> DataFrame |> d ->"wrong_path.csv", d)

get-missing-albums.jl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
artists = Beets.artists()
albums_id = getfield.(Beets.albums, :uuid)
albums_title = getfield.(Beets.albums, :title) .|> lowercase
owned_ids = getfield.(artists, :uuid)
counter = 0
releases = map(id -> begin
global counter
@show counter += 1
end, owned_ids)
alldata = map((a, rs) -> [(artist = a,
album = r.title, uuid =
for r in rs],
artists, releases) |> Iterators.flatten |> collect
todl = filter(x -> !(x.uuid in albums_id ||
x.album in lowercase.(getfield.(Beets.album(x.artist), :title))
), alldata)
found = []
foreach(x -> begin
global me, found
push!(found,, string(, " ", x.album),
verbose = true))
end, todl)
# added = []
for (n, r) in enumerate(found)
global me, rpc, added
@info "($(n)/$(length(found)))"
lossless = RuTrackers.islossless.(r)
discog = RuTrackers.isdiscography.(r)
m = findfirst(lossless .& .!discog)
m === nothing && continue
# Add it
TransmissionRPC.add(rpc,, r[m]))
# push!(added, found[n])

View File

@ -14,6 +14,18 @@ function torrentdl(query::AbstractString)
todl todl
end end
function albumdl(query::AbstractString)
global rpc, me
todl =, query)
@show todl
lossless = RuTrackers.islossless.(todl)
discog = RuTrackers.isdiscography.(todl)
m = findfirst(lossless .& .!discog)
m === nothing && return
TransmissionRPC.add(rpc,, todl[m]))
dispatch = stack( dispatch = stack(
# Browsing # Browsing
restp("getMusicFolders", _ -> getMusicFolders()), restp("getMusicFolders", _ -> getMusicFolders()),
@ -27,7 +39,9 @@ dispatch = stack(
# Album/song list # Album/song list
restp("getRandomSongs", req -> getRandomSongs(req)), restp("getRandomSongs", req -> getRandomSongs(req)),
# Searching # Searching
restp("search3", req -> search3(req; dl = torrentdl)), restp("search3", req -> search3(req;
dlalbum = albumdl,
dlall = torrentdl)),
# Playlists # Playlists
restp("createPlaylist", req -> createPlaylist(req)), restp("createPlaylist", req -> createPlaylist(req)),
restp("getPlaylists", req -> getPlaylists(req)), restp("getPlaylists", req -> getPlaylists(req)),

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ me = RuTrackers.RuTracker(read("rutracker.json", String) |> JSON.parse)
rpc = TransmissionRPC.Transmission(TransmissionRPC.Sockets.ip"") rpc = TransmissionRPC.Transmission(TransmissionRPC.Sockets.ip"")
retry(Beets.update_albums, delays = Base.ExponentialBackOff(n=10, first_delay=5, max_delay = 100)); Beets.update_albums()
push!(LOAD_PATH, realpath("JlSonic")) push!(LOAD_PATH, realpath("JlSonic"))
using JlSonic using JlSonic
@ -25,9 +25,20 @@ JlSonic.loadusers()
include("router.jl") include("router.jl")
include("login.jl") include("login.jl")
using Dates using Dates
if isdefined(Main, :logfile) && isopen(logfile)
logfile = open("requests.log", "a")
function logger(app, req) function logger(app, req)
println(string("[",, "] ", req[:method], ": ", req[:path][end])) global logfile
#, " - ", req[:headers]["User-Agent"])) if isopen(logfile)
logfile = open("requests.log", "a")
write(logfile, string(req, "\n"))
println(string("[",, "] ", req[:method], ": ", req[:path][end]))
#, " - ", req[:headers]["User-Agent"]))
return app(req) return app(req)
end end
@ -42,6 +53,7 @@ end
defaults = stack(Mux.todict, basiccatch, Mux.splitquery, Mux.toresponse, Mux.assetserver, Mux.pkgfiles) defaults = stack(Mux.todict, basiccatch, Mux.splitquery, Mux.toresponse, Mux.assetserver, Mux.pkgfiles)
@app sonic = ( @app sonic = (
Mux.defaults, Mux.defaults,
# logger,
restp("ping", _ -> ping()), restp("ping", _ -> ping()),
restp("getLicense", _ -> getLicense()), restp("getLicense", _ -> getLicense()),
mux(logger, mux(logger,
@ -54,3 +66,10 @@ if !isdefined(Main, :started)
serve(sonic) serve(sonic)
started = true started = true
end end
function nextbatch()
global rpc
ids = TransmissionRPC.getCompleteMusicIDs(rpc)
TransmissionRPC.moveMusicDone(rpc, ids)
TransmissionRPC.rm(rpc, ids)