hacking-howto: document X11 pushing/drawing

Michael Stapelberg 2011-11-23 21:54:03 +00:00
parent 5efb81250a
commit f91f6c52e9
1 changed files with 95 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -583,26 +583,104 @@ A windows size and position will be determined in the following way:
== Pushing updates to X11 / Drawing == Pushing updates to X11 / Drawing
TODO. A big problem with i3 before version 4 was that we just sent requests to X11
anywhere in the source code. This was bad because nobody could understand the
entirety of our interaction with X11, it lead to subtle bugs and a lot of edge
cases which we had to consider all over again.
Therefore, since version 4, we have a single file, +src/x.c+, which is
responsible for repeatedly transferring parts of our tree datastructure to X11.
+src/x.c+ consists of multiple parts:
1. The state pushing: +x_push_changes()+, which calls +x_push_node()+.
2. State modification functions: +x_con_init+, +x_reinit+,
+x_reparent_child+, +x_move_win+, +x_con_kill+, +x_raise_con+, +x_set_name+
and +x_set_warp_to+.
3. Expose event handling (drawing decorations): +x_deco_recurse()+ and
=== Pushing state to X11
In general, the function +x_push_changes+ should be called to push state
changes. Only when the scope of the state change is clearly defined (for
example only the title of a window) and its impact is known beforehand, one can
optimize this and call +x_push_node+ on the appropriate con directly.
+x_push_changes+ works in the following steps:
1. Clear the eventmask for all mapped windows. This leads to not getting
useless ConfigureNotify or EnterNotify events which are caused by our
requests. In general, we only want to handle user input.
2. Stack windows above each other, in reverse stack order (starting with the
most obscured/bottom window). This is relevant for floating windows which
can overlap each other, but also for tiling windows in stacked or tabbed
containers. We also update the +_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING+ hint which is
necessary for tab drag and drop in Chromium.
3. +x_push_node+ will be called for the root container, recursively calling
itself for the containers children. This function actually pushes the
state, see the next paragraph.
4. If the pointer needs to be warped to a different position (for example when
changing focus to a differnt output), it will be warped now.
5. The eventmask is restored for all mapped windows.
6. Window decorations will be rendered by calling +x_deco_recurse+ on the root
container, which then recursively calls itself for the children.
7. If the input focus needs to be changed (because the user focused a different
window), it will be updated now.
8. +x_push_node_unmaps+ will be called for the root container. This function
only pushes UnmapWindow requests. Separating the state pushing is necessary
to handle fullscreen windows (and workspace switches) in a smooth fashion:
The newly visible windows should be visible before the old windows are
+x_push_node+ works in the following steps:
1. Update the windows +WM_NAME+, if changed (the +WM_NAME+ is set on i3
containers mainly for debugging purposes).
2. Reparents a child window into the i3 container if the container was created
for a specific managed window.
3. If the size/position of the i3 container changed (due to opening a new
window or switching layouts for example), the window will be reconfigured.
Also, the pixmap which is used to draw the window decoration/border on is
reconfigured (pixmaps are size-dependent).
4. Size/position for the child window is adjusted.
5. The i3 container is mapped if it should be visible and was not yet mapped.
When mapping, +WM_STATE+ is set to +WM_STATE_NORMAL+. Also, the eventmask of
the child window is updated and the i3 containers contents are copied from
the pixmap.
6. +x_push_node+ is called recursively for all children of the current
+x_push_node_unmaps+ handles the remaining case of an i3 container being
unmapped if it should not be visible anymore. +WM_STATE+ will be set to
=== Drawing window decorations/borders/backgrounds
+x_draw_decoration+ draws window decorations. It is run for every leaf
container (representing an actual X11 window) and for every non-leaf container
which is in a stacked/tabbed container (because stacked/tabbed containers
display a window decoration for split containers, which at the moment just says
"another container").
Then, parameters are collected to be able to determine whether this decoration
drawing is actually necessary or was already done. This saves a substantial
number of redraws (depending on your workload, but far over 50%).
Assuming that we need to draw this decoration, we start by filling the empty
space around the child window (think of MPlayer with a specific aspect ratio)
in the user-configured client background color.
Afterwards, we draw the appropriate border (in case of border styles "normal"
and "1pixel") and the top bar (in case of border style "normal").
The last step is drawing the window title on the top bar.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
== Resizing containers
=== Common parts
On the frame (the window which was created around the clients window for the
decorations), a black rectangle is drawn as a background for windows like
MPlayer, which do not completely fit into the frame.
=== Window decorations
The window decorations consist of a rectangle in the appropriate color (depends
on whether this window is the currently focused one, the last focused one in a
not focused container or not focused at all) forming the background.
Afterwards, two lighter lines are drawn and the last step is drawing the
windows title (see WM_NAME) onto it.
=== Resizing containers
By clicking and dragging the border of a container, you can resize the whole By clicking and dragging the border of a container, you can resize the whole
column (respectively row) which this container is in. This is necessary to keep column (respectively row) which this container is in. This is necessary to keep