This fixes a race where we created cursors on the Xlib connection, flushed,
then used the cursor on the XCB connection. Even though we flushed, the X
server did not process the requests yet and therefore returned a BadCursor
This bugfix uses the Xlib connection for setting the root window cursor which
will ensure that the requests are properly serialized.
An easy test for this (on my machine) is the following ~/.xsession:
xsetroot -cursor_name cross
exec i3
If you see a cross cursor instead of the pointer, the race happens. You’ll see
a error_code=6 error in your ~/.xsession-errors.
These errors can happen because a DestroyWindow request by a client will
trigger an UnmapNotify, then a DestroyNotify. We cannot distinguish this
UnmapNotify from an UnmapNotify not followed by a DestroyNotify, so we just try
to send the ReparentWindow / ChangeProperty and ignore the errors, if any.
Think of the following layout:
| tab | |
| con | win |
| | |
The tabbed container on the left has two children. Assume you have focused the
second/right child in the tabbed container. i3 used to focus the first/left
container of the tabbed container when using 'focus right' (it wrapped focus).
With this commit, the default behaviour is to instead focus the window on the
right of the screen.
The intention is to make focus switching more intuitive, especially with tabbed
containers supporting 'focus left'/'focus right' in tree. You should end up
using less 'focus parent' :).
You can force the old behaviour with 'force_focus_wrapping true' in your
Code coverage is 62.5% with this commit.
An example to set all XTerms floating:
for_window [class="XTerm"] mode floating
To make all urxvts use a 1-pixel border:
for_window [class="urxvt"] border 1pixel
A less useful, but rather funny example:
for_window [title="x200: ~/work"] mode floating
The commands are not completely arbitrary. The commands above were tested,
others may need some fixing. Internally, windows are compared against your
criteria (class, title, …) when they are initially managed and whenever one of
the relevant values change. Then, the specified command is run *once* (per
window). It gets prefixed with a criteria to make it match only the specific
window that triggered it. So, if you configure "mode floating", i3 runs
something like '[id="8393923"] mode floating'.
Use 'kill window' to kill a specific window (for example only one specific
popup), use 'kill client' to kill the whole application (or X11 connection to
be specific).
When a tabbed container had more than one child and at least the first one
supported WM_DELETE, i3 entered an endless loop when killing that tabbed
container. This was due to tree_close only sending WM_DELETE without actually
removing the child, while the loop in tree_close assumed that with every call
of tree_close one child would be removed.
Actually, commit 1c5adc6c35 commented out code
without ever fixing it. I think this was responsible for the 'workspace
switching sometimes does not work' bug. My observations:
Had it again today and analyzed a log of it. Looks like after unmapping the
windows on one workspace (in my case: chromium, eclipse, urxvt, focus on
eclipse) we get UnmapNotify events for chromium and eclipse, but then we get an
EnterNotify for the terminal (due to unmapping the other windows and therefore
mapping the terminal under the cursor), only afterwards the UnmapNotify
So, there are two things wrong with that:
• We handle EnterNotifys for unmapped windows
• Unmapping windows sometimes works in a sequence, sometimes the sequence gets
split. Not sure why (if unmapping can take longer for some windows or if our
syncing is wrong -- but i checked the latter briefly and it looks correct).
Maybe GrabServer helps?
• We don’t ignore EnterNotify events caused by UnmapNotifies. We used to, but
then there was a different problem and we decided to solve the EnterNotify
problem in another way, which actually never happened (commit
This involves:
• Compiling with xcb-util instead of xcb-{atom,aux} (they merged the libraries)
• Not using xcb-{event,property} anymore (code removed upstream)
• Not using the predefined WINDOW, CARDINEL, … atoms (removed upstream)
• Using the new xcb_icccm_* data types/functions instead of just xcb_*
(for example xcb_icccm_get_wm_hints instead of xcb_get_wm_hints)
Also I refactored the atoms to use x-macros.
Due to lots of cases which were added and added to tree_move(), the function
was not really easy to understand. For this refactoring, I wrote tree_move()
from scratch, thinking about (hopefully) all cases. The testsuite still passes.
The move command also has different parameters now. Instead of the hard to
understand 'before v' stuff, we use 'move [left|right|up|down]'.
Instead, we attach them to their workspace when toggling back to tiling. This
makes more sense; afterall, floating clients are always directly below a
CT_WORKSPACE container.
The file is now created in /tmp using the process PID and the
username of the user running i3. The restart state file is only
loaded when restarting (the --restart option is appended to the
command line prior to the restart). That means that renaming the
old state file with the ".old" extension is no longer needed.
This "--restart" switch is supposed to be only used by i3. The
"-L" switch can be used to load a layout (and not delete it
afterwards). We unlink the state file after we load it so that
we don't keep cruft in /tmp or try to restart from an old config
file if restart_state is set.
Quote from the source:
When the container type is CT_WORKSPACE, the user wants to change the
whole workspace into stacked/tabbed mode. To do this and still allow
intuitive operations (like level-up and then opening a new window), we
need to create a new split container. */
Numbered workspaces (workspaces with a name containing only digits) will be
inserted in the correct order now. Named workspaces are always sorted after
numbered workspaces and in the order of creation.
This fixes the bug which caused floating windows to be visible even when
switching to a different workspace.
Instead of ignoring a specific sequence, we now set an ignore_unmap counter for
each container. (So, should containers be closed too early or stay open even if
they should be closed, we probably need to have a closer look at the counter.
At the moment, it is increased by one on reparenting and unmapping (for
workspace changes) and decremented by one on each UnmapNotify event).
This system is better because a sequence does not describe a single unmap or
reparent request but a request to X11 on the network layer -- which can contain
multiple requests.
The implementation works like this:
Containers can have a 'sticky-group' attribute. Imagine two different
containers (on two different workspaces) which have the same sticky-group.
Now you open a window in the first container. When you switch to the
other workspace, the window will be re-assigned to the other container.
An obvious problem which is not covered with the code at the moment is
having two containers with the same sticky-group visible at the same time.
This helps for windows which are immediately destroyed instead of
unmapped, like when starting i3status | ./foobar | dzen2 -dock
and foobar does not exist (i3status and dzen2 will get a SIGPIPE).
Before this commit, i3 used key bindings in SYNC mode for bindings
like Mode_switch + <a> and replayed the key if the current state
did not include Mode_switch. This had some problems:
1) The WM needed to acknowledge much more key presses than you
actually had bindings for, thus making the system a bit laggy
2) Users of layouts who constantly type in the third level (like
russian layouts) did not get their cyrillic symbols correctly
(they were not replayed right), neither did the keybindings
work in both modes.
So, the current implementation uses the following approach: XKB
provides an event which contains the current state (including
the current level). i3 signs up for this event and upon receival,
it re-maps the bindings using Mode_switch (enables them when the
level goes to the third level and disables them as soon as the
level goes back to normal). This fixes both problems.