The format string set with "title_format" can contain the placeholder "%title" which will be replaced with the actual window title.
By not overwriting window->name itself, we make sure that assignment matching still works as expected.
Outputs may disappear momentarily and come back later.
To prevent i3 from exit when no output is available momentarily, add a timeout delay_exit_on_zero_displays.
Introduce a config directive "show_marks [yes|no]" to en- or disable drawing marks on window decorations.
To not change the look & feel of existing configurations, the default is "no".
When a window receives a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message, it can steal the focus. This may not be preferable to all users.
With this directive, the user can choose from one of the following:
1) 'smart' - focus the container if its workspace is visible, otherwise set the urgency flag (default)
2) 'urgent' - always set the urgency flag, do not steal focus
3) 'focus' - always switch focus, never set the urgency hint
4) 'none' - ignore the request entirely (do not switch focus, nor set the urgency hint)
This option allows toggling marks on a window without knowing whether the mark is already set or not.
It behaves as follows:
1) If the matched window has no mark, the new mark is set.
2) If the matched window has another mark, the old mark is removed and the new mark is set.
3) If the matched window already has the mark, the mark is removed.
The behavior that all non-matched windows have this mark removed is kept.
1. Add a function writeall and make swrite wrap that function. Use either writeall or swrite, depending on whether we want to exit on errors or not.
2. Fix warnings when compiling with a higher optimisation level.
(CFLAGS ?= -pipe -O3 -march=native -mtune=native -freorder-blocks-and-partition)
Signed-off-by: hwangcc <>
This introduces a "separator_symbol" property for the i3bar configuration.
If set, the specified string will be used as a separator instead of a vertical line. Since it is an optional configuration, complete backwards compatibility is given.
Add `markup` to the i3bar protocol as a block member.
This is a string that determines how the block should be parsed as
markup. "pango" indicates the block should be parsed as Pango markup.
"none" indicates the block should not be parsed as markup.
Parse text within workspace buttons and the i3bar statusline as Pango
markup. This lets people specify things like font weight, text color,
background color, font size, and font family in the text of i3bar.
Add support for the _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE client message. This message
enables clients to initiate window moving or resizing. Toolkits like
Gtk3 use this message when the user drags a client-side decorated window
by its title bar. When Gtk detects that the window manager does not
support this client message, it uses a slow fallback implementation.
When loading a new font with `load_font`, free the previously loaded
font with `free_font`.
If no font is loaded, `free_font` will simply return (instead of
crashing because of a double free).
Add the `--whole-window` switch for mouse bindings. This switch controls
what part of the container the pointer must be over to trigger a mouse
binding. The default is to only trigger mouse bindings over the
titlebars. With this switch, a mouse binding will be triggered over the
main part of the window as well.
This is a breaking change to the previous behavior, which would trigger
a mouse binding with a modifier over any part of the window.
Since this commit:
the shell that is used is the system's bourne shell (/bin/sh) and the
env variable SHELL is not considered.
No logic changes.
Send the affected workspace in the "current" property for each workspace
event for any type of workspace event that affects a particular
Rather than just toggling the fullscreen modes, allow to set them
directly with:
fullscreen enable|toggle [global]
fullscreen disable
For compatibility, retain the previous command and its toggling behavior:
fullscreen [global]
Copy the binding struct before running it and use this copy to emit the
binding event.
This fixes a crash when the command `reload` is used in a binding when
the binding event is emitted.
The binding event will be triggered when a binding is run as a result of
some a user action. The binding event has the following properties:
change: (str) Currently this will only be "run" but may be expanded in
the future. Included for consistency with other events.
binding: (map) the serialized binding
The "binding" member will have these properties:
input_type: (str) either "keyboard" or "mouse"
input_code: (int) the xcb keycode of the keyboard binding if it was
provided or the mouse button if it is a mouse binding.
symbol: (str) the string representation of the input code
command: (str) the bound command
mods: (list of str) a list of the modifiers that were pressed as string
We're going to call parse_configuration() very early if -C is given on
the command line. Instead of the previous "only_check_config", which has
been a global variable, we now simply pass use_nagbar as false if we're
just validating.
This causes the whole parsing to run without X and of course without
starting nagbar and displaying the errors to standard out/error instead.
The return code of parse_configuration() is now a boolean which
represents whether an error occured during parsing and the programs exit
code is returned accordingly.
Although the config parser still has a lot of side-effects, we now can
parse without the need to have an XCB connection. A nicer implementation
would be to just set the new font and load it just after we're done
parsing, but to ensure we don't break functionality we just load a dummy
FONT_TYPE_NONE if XCB isn't available. The main reason for going this
route is that it's a bit difficult to test fonts in a distribution
agnostic way without bundling fonts with i3 (or Xdummy to be more
Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
Users can specify a command to run when a button was pressed on i3bar to
override the default behavior. Currently only the mouse wheel buttons
are supported. This is useful for disabling the scroll wheel action or
running scripts that implement custom behavior for these buttons.
bar {
wheel_up_cmd nop
wheel_down_cmd exec ~/.i3/scripts/custom_wheel_down
> IconicState - The client's top-level window is iconic (whatever that
> means for this window manager). The client can assume that its
> top-level window is not viewable, its icon_window (if any) will be
> viewable and, failing that, its icon_pixmap (if any) or its
> WM_ICON_NAME will be displayed.
For these requests, we just close the window.
Maintain the _NET_DESKTOP_NAMES property on the root window.
> The names of all virtual desktops. This is a list of NULL-terminated
> strings in UTF-8 encoding [UTF8]. This property MAY be changed by a
> Pager or the Window Manager at any time.
A container selected with criteria should be moved with the `move
[direction]` command, instead of this command always acting on the
focused container.
This removes our last dependency on Xlib! :)
(Okay, an Xlib dependency still comes in through other libraries that we
link against, but it’s not us. Our code is simpler by this change and
uses one less connection to X11.)
A configured mouse binding (for example `bindsym button3 kill`) runs
its command when the mouse button is pressed over parts of a container.
If the binding has no modifer, it will only run when the button is
clicked on the window titlebar.
Otherwise if the binding has a modifier, it will run over the titlebar
or any part of the contained window.
> This property SHOULD be set and updated by the Window Manager to
> indicate the number of virtual desktops.
We interpret this property as the number of noninternal workspaces.
This should be the last commit that formats a big bunch of files. From
here on, whenever I merge patches, I’ll run clang-format like described
in the title.
Add run_binding function to bindings.h.
> Runs the given binding and handles parse errors. Returns a
> CommandResult for running the binding's command. Caller should render
> tree if needs_tree_render is true. Free with command_result_free().
parse_command returns a struct that contains useful information about
the result of a command as a whole (instead of the intermediate
representation used during parsing).
parse_command now requires the caller to allocate the yajl_gen used for
generating a json reply. This is passed as the second parameter to
parse_command. If NULL is passed, no json reply will be generated.
This patch adds a new configuration option "mouse_warping [output|none]".
When mouse warping is disabled, mouse cursor does not jump to middle of current
screen when changing workspaces between multiple outputs. This introduces a
"special" cursor state, where focus is in one window and cursor on another.
Useful for eg. scrolling a web page with mouse wheel while typing into another
window on keyboard.
Workspace assignments with bare numbers assign all workspaces with that
number to the specified output.
Workspace assignment by number is overridden by workspace assignment by
Change the name of structs CommandResult and ConfigResult to
CommandResultIR and ConfigResultIR to show they are an intermediate
representation used during parsing.
Floating windows already had their own border style, but the width was
the same for all windows.
The configuration directives 'new_window' and 'new_float' can now be
used simultaneously to have different border widths for floating and
tiled windows.
Implement the configuration option within the bar config directive for
custom workspace numbers with the directive `strip_workspace_numbers
This directive strips the workspace name of the number prefix and
delimiter. When the workspace name consists only of the number, it will
default to show the number.
For example:
* "2:5" -> "5"
* "4:$" -> "$"
* "8" -> "8"
This allows customization of i3bar for alternate ordering of workspaces
which has a legitimate use for alternate keyboard layouts such as
Change the primary binding accessor to `get_binding_from_xcb_event`.
This function gets a binding from a generic xcb event of type KeyPress,
KeyRelease, ButtonPress, or ButtonRelease by determining the input type
(keyboard or mouse), the modifiers pressed from the filtered event
`state`, managing the proper fall back in case mode switch is enabled,
and finally querying the bindings for a binding that matches the event.
The logic of querying keyboard bindings is not intended to be altered by
this change.
The general accessor has been slightly modified to work with mouse
bindings and made private because it is only used in bindings.c
The _NET_CLIENT_LIST property of the root window:
> These arrays contain all X Windows managed by the Window Manager.
Dock clients are not managed windows, so they should not be included in
Send all the options in the bar block on the barconfig_update event.
This will eventually allow for dynamically updating bar colors with the
`reload` command.
Add and update the _NET_CLIENT_LIST property on the root window to
better comply with ewmh standards.
Information on this property can be found here:
> These arrays contain all X Windows managed by the Window Manager.
> _NET_CLIENT_LIST has initial mapping order, starting with the oldest window.
According to 4.1.7 of the iccm spec
> Windows with the atom WM_TAKE_FOCUS in their WM_PROTOCOLS property may
> receive a ClientMessage event from the window manager (as described in
> section 4.2.8) with WM_TAKE_FOCUS in its data[0] field and a valid
> timestamp (i.e. not CurrentTime ) in its data[1] field.
Adds the timestamp parameter to send_take_focus to avoid the dangerous
use of a global variable.
Windows that match the following criteria are floated by default:
- dialog, utility, toolbar, or splash windows,
- modal windows, or
- windows that have specified equal minimum and maximum size.
Rename `get_binding` to `get_keyboard_binding` and ensure that this
function only accesses bindings of type B_KEYBOARD. Other types of
bindings (e.g. mouse bindings) will be accessed by a different function.
This patch fixes ticket #1168 to extend the window IPC event mechanism
to send IPC events for window focus and title changes. The newly added
window events use the same format as the already established "new"
Specifically this patch:
* Moves the ipc_send_window_event() function from src/manage.c into
src/ipc.c and adds an argument for the change property of the event
* Updates src/manage.c to use the new function signature. To ensure
that the "new" event does not send the same event data as the
"focus" event, setting focus now happens after the "new" event
has been sent
* Adds IPC focus event notification to src/x.c. To workaround a problem
during window close when accessing the window name, a function has been
added to query whether a window is actually attached to its parent. To
avoid obsolete focus notification, a new field has been added to keep
track of the focus without any interference by the click handling
* Adds IPC title event notification to src/handlers.c. To avoid
obsolete title notification, a function has been added to determine
whether a window title has actually changed
* Updates the IPC documentation to include the new events
* Updates testcases/t/205-ipc-windows.t to include the "focus" event
in order to ensure the correct event sequence
* Adds two new unit tests, b/testcases/t/219-ipc-window-focus.t and
b/testcases/t/220-ipc-window-title.t to ensure proper "focus" and
"title" events
Create files bindings.[ch] to contain functions for configuring,
finding, and running bindings.
Use the new function `configure_binding` for binding configuration. This
function adds a binding from config parameters.
Export the function `modifiers_from_str` from config_directives.h.
This change is made in preparation for the new bindmouse functionality.
When the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property of a window specifies it should have
no title bar, or no decorations at all, respond by setting the border
style of that container to BS_PIXEL or BS_NONE respectively.
This comes from the old Motif window manager. It was originally intended
to specify exactly what sort of decorations a window should have, and
exactly what sort of user input it should respond to. The EWMH spec
intended to replace Motif hints with _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, but it is
still in use by popular widget toolkits such as GTK+ and Java AWT.
i3's implementation simply mirrors Gnome's Metacity. Official
documentation of this hint is nowhere to be found.
For more information see:
Make sure the command `move <direction>` properly sends the workspace
focus ipc event required for i3bar to be properly updated and redrawn.
Make `ipc_send_workspace_focus_event publicly available from ipc.h for
more flexible event sending.
An input type of B_KEYBOARD will indicated this binding was created with
"bindsym", "bindcode", or "bind" and should only run on key press
An input type of B_MOUSE will indicate this binding was created with
"bindmouse" and should only run on button press events (not yet
For more information see #558.
This avoids flooding stdout every time some text (e.g. a window
decoration) is drawn, yet leaves the message in place when it’s actually
relevant (upon DPI changes).
This is done by installing a new check watcher that replaces the main
X11 event handler and calling ev_run with EVRUN_ONCE until the dragging
loop left state DRAGGING.
With this commit, other handlers, most notably the redraw handler for
placeholder windows, get a chance to run when dragging (placeholder!)
windows around.
Since the macro PATH_MAX is not defined on every system (GNU/Hurd being
one of those who do not define it), we remove all references to this
macro. Instead, we use a buffer of arbitraty size and grow it when
needed to contain paths.
This removes code duplication, which will be useful for a subsequent
Furthermore, we now don’t open X11 connections unnecessarily in some
corner cases.
Add DRAG_ABORT to enum drag_result_t. DRAG_ABORT will indicate the drag
operation cannot be completed.
Return DRAG_ABORT on UnmapNotify, or when the keyboard or pointer cannot
be grabbed.
Add DRAGGING to return value for drag_result_t. DRAGGING is used
internally by drag_pointer to indicate the drag is in progress.
Change DRAG_CANCEL to DRAG_REVERT to clarify the distinction between
"abort" and "revert/cancel" actions.
Fixes an issue that caused i3 to crash when a user is dragging or
resizing a floating window that becomes destroyed.
i3 current behavior hides the binding mode indicator when
workspace buttons are disabled.
This patch adds a new configuration for i3bar called
'binding_mode_indicator' which acts like the workspace_buttons.
It is now possible to configure i3bar to hide the
workspace buttons and keep showing the binding mode indicator.
This should make the hide workspace buttons configuration
more convenient for those who are heavily using binding
Default value for binding_mode_indicator is true.
This reverts commit 0659a0d98c.
It was a fix for dzen2 setups, but broke several other use cases.
Because dzen2 is not really important since most people use i3bar
nowadays, let’s revert this.
This ClientMessage can be used to estimate how big the window will be
before opening it. Java always sends the ClientMessage and checks the
atom that should be set by the window manager, but it seems that the
fallback code path has a race condition.
Let’s see if the situation gets better with this change. I have been
running this patch for about two weeks and have not seen any issues with
Add debuglog command that takes toggle|on|off. Add get_debug_logging()
to be able to toggle. Make t/187-commands-parser.t expect 'debuglog'.
Document the debuglog command in userguide.
This commit only goes to “next” because I am not sure whether it
actually makes things better in all cases and want to give it some
testing first.
There was no documented reason behind using the
proportional_{width,height} variables, so I suppose that code was just
stupidity on my part (it was written merely a month after I started this
project in 2009).
Add shmlog command that takes <size>|toggle|on|off. Separate logbuffer
management into open_logbuffer() and close_logbuffer(). Make
t/187-commands-parser.t expect 'shmlog'. Add update_shmlog_atom() to
update the SHMLOG_PATH. Document the shmlog command in userguide.
The hidden_state and mode of each i3bar instance can now be controlled from within i3.
Therefore, two new i3 command were introduced:
bar hidden_state show|hide|toggle [<bar_id>]
show: always show the bar
hide: normal hide mode
toggle: toggle between show and hide (individually for each bar)
bar mode dock|hide|invisible|toggle [<bar_id>]
hide,dock: like before
invisible: always keep the bar hidden
toggle: toggle between dock and hide (individually for each bar)
This patch introduces a hidden_state ("hidden_state hide|show") in the
barconfig, which indicates the current hidden_state of each i3bar
instance. It only affects the bar when in hide mode. Additionally, a new
invisible mode was introduced. In order to change the hidden_state or
mode of the bar from i3, a barconfig-update event was introduced, for
which a bar can subscribe and the bar then gets notified about the
currently set hidden_state and mode in its barconfig.
For convenience, an id field ("id <bar_id>") was added to the barconfig, where one can
set the desired id for the corresponding bar. If the id is not specified, i3 will
deterministically choose an id; otherwise, with the previous random approach for finding
a new id, which is actually not shared with i3bar, as it would determine its id on
startup, the event-subscription would be destroyed on reload. Still, this issue remains
when manually changing the bar_id in the config and then reloading.
fixes#833, #651
In order to distinguish split layouts from tabbed/stacking layouts when
only one window is shown, do not draw the indicator border for tabbed or
stacking layouts.
Note that this is ineffective for dunst’s notifications because dunst
re-raises them as soon as they get obscured. It does work for dzen2
however, which was the original use-case.
What I do in this patch is:
1. Split the con_new() function, so I can create a Con without actually
create a window.
2. Store the depth of Cons in the layout file when i3 is restarting.
Fix typos and mis-staged files in previous patch.
_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION indicates that some action in or with
the window happened. It's a weaker hint than urgency flag of WM_HINTS,
but some applications and almost all Qt applications use it instead of
WM_HINTS' urgency flag (one example is Skype).
Added new event id (I3_IPC_EVENT_WINDOW) so that a an IPC client can
subscribe to events on windows. Added a basic window event that gets
triggered when a window gets successfully reparented. This new event
also dumps the container data, so that IPC clients can get the initial
window name. IPC clients wishing to see window events should subscribe
to 'window'.
This patch adds the following features:
1) Configure a color of the separator via config. It is done like
bar {
colors {
separator #000000
2) A block can have an integer entry "separator_block_width" which
sets the width of the gap which would follow after the current block.
3) A block can have a boolean entry "separator" and if it is set
to false, then the drawing of the separating line would be disabled.
This change ensures a scratchpad window is still centered on the screen
if it has first been shown on another screen of a different
resolution. Moving or resizing the scratchpad manually disables this
• our function names use underscores
• rewrote the function’s comment
• function comments must be in the source _and_ in the header
• no blank lines after function signatures
With this commit, the default behavior is to display popups while there
is a fullscreen application only if the popup belongs to that
application (as determined by the WM_TRANSIENT_FOR hint which
applications have to set properly).
If a window with _NET_STARTUP_ID set is moved to another workspace, it
will delete any associated startup sequence immediately. This will also
occur if a window has a leader with _NET_STARTUP_ID set, if the leader
has no container (never been mapped).
A startup sequence may also be deleted if it's matched by
startup_workspace_for_window() and its 30-second timeout has elapsed.
A good visualization of the new algorithm is this:
| |
+--------+=| S1 |========================
| | | |
| S0 | +--------+
| | +--------+
+--------+=========| |================
| S2 | +--------+
| | | |
+--------+ | S3 |
| |
When focus is on S0, 'focus output right' will first match S1 (the
closest output which overlaps in the highlighted area), then S2, but not
S3 (since S3 does not overlap into the highlighted area).
If there is a client with an urgency hint on another workspace and
switching to this workspace would cause the urgency to be reset (by
moving the focusing to the client), delay the reset by some time. This
gives the user the chance to see it.
This commit adds the possibility to configure the urgency delay timer
duration using the 'force_display_urgency_hint' directive. Also,
documentation and a testcase was added to allow for automated checks of
the intended behavior.
this implements both the "move container to workspace back_and_forth" command
and movements to the same workspace when auto_back_and_forth is set.
it includes documentation and test suite additions by michael.
it also simplifies the workspace_show_by_name function (making use of
workspace_get accepting NULL pointers).
Introducing a new event to subscribe called mode. It's fired up
when i3 changes binding mode (like switching from default to resize).
IPC guide adjusted also.
Before commit 4976fa3350, setting the
layout of workspaces to something else than the default would just mess
up the parent container of the workspace (the content container).
After that commit, it would create an unnecessary split container when
you change the layout _before_ opening any containers. To avoid this, we
now store the layout (similar to how the 'workspace_layout'
configuration directive works) and apply it when the first container is
attached to the workspace.
For the following binding:
# Simulate ctrl+v upon pressing $mod+x
bindsym --release $mod+x exec --no-startup-id xdotool key --clearmodifiers ctrl+v
you can now use either:
1. press $mod, press x, release x, release $mod
2. press $mod, press x, release $mod, release x
The implementation is naive because the user has to generate exactly the
event he specified. That is, if you use this binding:
bindsym --release $mod+x exec import /tmp/latest-screenshot.png
Then it will only be triggered if you hit $mod, hit x, release x,
release $mod. It will not be triggered if you hit $mod, hit x, release
$mod, release x. The reason is that the KeyRelease event in the latter
case will not have the modifier in its flags, so it doesn’t match the
configured binding.
This changes the fact that Firefox would not be launched on the correct
workspace because it marked the startup sequence as completed *before*
actually mapping all of its windows.
To test this, go to workspace 3 and run this command in a terminal:
i3-msg 'exec iceweasel; workspace 4'
That will make i3 start iceweasel (and create a proper startup
notification context for it), then immediately switch to workspace 4
(before iceweasel could possibly start).
The iceweasel window(s) should appear on workspace 3.
While this is a bit ugly, it makes the log messages end up where they
are supposed to: in the shmlog/stdout in case of i3 and on stdout in
case of utilities such as i3-input
This changes the SHM log format, it doesn’t use 0-bytes to separate
entries anymore. Instead of using lots of printf() calls in i3-dump-log,
we now do precisely one big write().
So, to be clear: i3-dump-log and i3 both need to be upgraded.
Mismatching versions will lead to garbage output (no crashes of i3, just
garbage output).
The -f flag uses an inter-process pthread_cond_t in the shared memory
header to broadcast the arrival of new messages to all i3-dump-log
processes. This internally uses futexes and thus doesn’t even mean a
kernel call in most cases. inter-process pthread_cond_ts require NPTL
(the Native Posix Thread Library, introduce in Linux 2.6).
From the source:
When starting i3 initially (and after each change to the connected
outputs), this function fixes the resolution of the __i3
pseudo-output. When that resolution is not set to a function which
shares a common divisor with every active output’s resolution,
floating point calculation errors will lead to the scratchpad window
moving when shown repeatedly.
This is useful for third-party scripts which require certain features
and want to error out cleanly when they are run with an old i3 version.
Additionally, i3 --version might be different from what’s actually
running (an old version of the binary), so i3-msg -t get_version will be
the best way to figure out the i3 version you are actually running from
this commit on.
With this commit, the "default" layout is replaced by the splith and
splitv layouts. splith is equivalent to default with orientation
horizontal and splitv is equivalent to default with orientation
The "split h" and "split v" commands continue to work as before, they
split the current container and you will end up in a split container
with layout splith (after "split h") or splitv (after "split v").
To change a splith container into a splitv container, use either "layout
splitv" or "layout toggle split". The latter command is used in the
default config as mod+l (previously "layout default"). In case you have
"layout default" in your config file, it is recommended to just replace
it by "layout toggle split", which will work as "layout default" did
before when pressing it once, but toggle between horizontal/vertical
when pressing it repeatedly.
The rationale behind this commit is that it’s cleaner to have all
parameters that influence how windows are rendered in the layout itself
rather than having a special parameter in combination with only one
layout. This enables us to change existing split containers in all cases
without breaking existing features (see ticket #464). Also, users should
feel more confident about whether they are actually splitting or just
changing an existing split container now.
As a nice side-effect, this commit brings back the "layout toggle"
feature we once had in i3 version 3 (see the userguide).
AFAIK, it is safe to use in-place restart to upgrade into versions
after this commit (switching to an older version will break your layout,
e.g. pressing Mod1+x when having the following in your configfile:
bindsym Mod1+x some invalid command
will lead to an i3-nagbar instance popping up, offering you to view the
error log (which will contain parser errors from this commit on).
This is now restricted according to the already defined fullscreen
focus constraints. Test case 157 was removed, as we don't prevent
level up/down in fullscreen anymore. Those commands are properly
tested in fullscreen by test case 156.
Fixes: #612
Basically, a focus change can't escape a fullscreen container. The
only exception is per-output fullscreen containers, as you should
be able to focus a container in a different workspace in this case.
This is an improvement on 4eab046e, now considering the difference
between global and per-output fullscreen and taking the tree
structure into account to determine what escaping the fullscreen
container means. It only affects targeted focus commands in the
form "for_window [...] focus", but it lays the foundation for
forthcoming fixes to all other focus commands.
See also:
The C compiler will handle (void) as "no arguments" and () as "variadic
function" (equivalent to (...)) which might lead to subtle errors, such
as the one which was fixed with commit 0ea64ae4.
Initially I thought using the second precision time() function is good enough,
but to make t/113-urgent.t considerably faster (>2s vs. 0.08s), we put in a
little more effort and use gettimeofday. Otherwise, this test blocks the whole
testsuite from completing much faster on modern machines :).
This change has two implications:
1) tree_render() will now be called precisely once for input which consists of
multiple commands (like "focus left; focus right"). Also, the caller of
parse_command() has to call it. This makes us able to fix tickets such as
ticket #608 (where multiple tree_render() calls are noticable).
2) The output of a command is now a JSON array of return values of the
individual subcommands. In the case of "focus left; focus right", this is:
[{"success":true}, {"success":true}]
While this is incompatible with what i3 returned before, the return value of
commands was undocumented and therefore not subject to our API stability.
You need to specify the --enable-32bit-visual flag when starting i3. This is
done because everything feels sluggish on my system when using a 32 bit visual
instead of a 24 bit visual. Fast > fancy.
Currently it supports the following options:
"oldest": match the first window that triggered an urgent event
"latest": match the last window that triggered an urgent event
This re-introduces borders around the workspace buttons in i3bar.
No additional pixels will be consumed (you will not lose any space for your
On the rationale of using a custom parser instead of a lex/yacc one, see this
quote from src/commands_parser.c:
We use a hand-written parser instead of lex/yacc because our commands are
easy for humans, not for computers. Thus, it’s quite hard to specify a
context-free grammar for the commands. A PEG grammar would be easier, but
there’s downsides to every PEG parser generator I have come accross so far.
This parser is basically a state machine which looks for literals or strings
and can push either on a stack. After identifying a literal or string, it
will either transition to the current state, to a different state, or call a
function (like cmd_move()).
Special care has been taken that error messages are useful and the code is
well testable (when compiled with -DTEST_PARSER it will output to stdout
instead of actually calling any function).
During the migration phase (I plan to completely switch to this parser before
4.2 will be released), the new parser will parse every command you send to
i3 and save the resulting call stack. Then, the old parser will parse your
input and actually execute the commands. Afterwards, both call stacks will be
compared and any differences will be logged.
The new parser works with 100% of the test suite and produces identical call